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If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat in the bustling city of Delhi, look no further than Sanjay Lake. Located in East Delhi, Sanjay Lake is a serene oasis that offers a perfect escape from the chaotic city life. The lake is named after Sanjay Gandhi, the son of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

The lake is surrounded by a beautiful park and is a popular destination for locals as well as tourists. It covers an area of about 17 acres and is home to a variety of birds, making it a popular spot for birdwatching. The lake and its surrounding area are also a favorite spot for joggers, cyclists, and walkers.

Things to do at Sanjay Lake

Sanjay Lake offers a variety of activities for visitors. You can take a leisurely stroll around the lake, enjoy a picnic with friends and family, or simply relax on the lush green lawns. The lake is surrounded by a beautiful park that is perfect for children to play in. There are also boating facilities available at the lake for those who want to explore the lake from a different perspective.


Sanjay Lake is a birdwatcher’s paradise. The lake is home to a variety of migratory and resident birds, including ducks, geese, egrets, and kingfishers. The lake is also home to a few rare species of birds such as the Indian Cormorant and the Purple Heron.

If you’re interested in birdwatching, it’s best to visit the lake in the early morning when the birds are most active. Don’t forget to bring your binoculars and camera!

Cycling and Jogging

The lake and its surrounding park offer a perfect setting for cycling and jogging. The park has a well-maintained jogging track that is perfect for an early morning or evening jog. The lake also has a cycling track that is perfect for cycling enthusiasts.


Boating is one of the most popular activities at Sanjay Lake. The lake has rowing and paddle boating facilities available for visitors. The boating facilities are open from 10 am to 6 pm every day. Boating is a great way to explore the lake and its surroundings.


Sanjay Lake has a number of facilities for visitors. There are clean toilets and changing rooms available for those who want to use the boating facilities. There are also a number of food stalls located around the lake that offer a variety of snacks and drinks.


Sanjay Lake is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. It offers a peaceful retreat from the chaos of the city and is a perfect destination for those who want to enjoy a day out with family and friends. Whether you’re interested in birdwatching, cycling, jogging, or simply relaxing, Sanjay Lake has something to offer everyone.

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