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Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious food. However, what many people don’t know is that Delhi also has a thriving wildlife sanctuary – the Asola Wildlife Sanctuary, Tughlaqabad.

This hidden gem is located in the southern part of Delhi and offers a peaceful escape from the city’s chaos. Let’s explore this sanctuary and discover why it is a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

The Sanctuary’s History

The Asola Wildlife Sanctuary is spread over 6,874 acres and is a protected area under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. The sanctuary was established in 1991 to protect the Aravalli hills’ biodiversity and the wildlife that calls it home. The sanctuary is a part of the Delhi Ridge, which is one of the oldest mountain ranges in India.

Flora and Fauna

The Asola Wildlife Sanctuary is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The sanctuary has over 200 species of birds, including the Indian Peafowl, Red Junglefowl, and the Indian Grey Hornbill. The sanctuary is also home to mammals like the Nilgai, Indian Porcupine, Indian Hare, and Indian Grey Mongoose. Reptiles like the Indian Cobra, Common Krait, and Russell’s Viper can also be found here.

The sanctuary’s flora includes trees like the Neem, Peepal, and Jamun. The sanctuary’s shrubbery includes species like the Ber and Jatropha. The sanctuary’s grasslands are home to species like the Lal Gulabi, which is a rare and endangered species of grass.

Activities at Asola Wildlife Sanctuary

The Asola Wildlife Sanctuary offers a range of activities for nature enthusiasts. Visitors can take a guided nature walk through the sanctuary to explore the flora and fauna. The sanctuary also offers birdwatching sessions for bird lovers. The sanctuary’s serene surroundings are perfect for meditation and yoga sessions.

The sanctuary’s main attraction is the Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary Trek. The trek takes visitors through the sanctuary’s forests and hills, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The trek is a moderate-level trek and takes around two to three hours to complete.

Another exciting activity is the Butterfly Trail, which is a guided tour of the sanctuary’s butterfly species. Visitors can observe and learn about the butterfly’s life cycle and their role in the ecosystem.

Conservation Efforts

The Asola Wildlife Sanctuary is not just a tourist destination but also a center for conservation efforts. The sanctuary is home to a conservation breeding program for the critically endangered Indian Pangolin. The program aims to breed and release the Indian Pangolin back into the wild. The sanctuary also has a snake rescue and rehabilitation center that takes care of injured snakes and releases them back into the wild.

The sanctuary’s conservation efforts also extend to the surrounding villages. The sanctuary conducts awareness programs and training sessions for the local communities to sensitize them about wildlife conservation.


The Asola Wildlife Sanctuary is a hidden gem in Delhi that offers visitors a chance to connect with nature and wildlife. The sanctuary’s diverse flora and fauna, along with its range of activities, make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts.

The sanctuary’s conservation efforts are commendable and play a crucial role in protecting the region’s biodiversity. So the next time you’re in Delhi, take a break from the city’s chaos and visit the Asola Wildlife Sanctuary.